Dhananjay Jagannathan

Dhananjay Jagannathan

Research Interest

Assistant Professor | Columbia University

B.A. in Philosophy and Classics, University of Texas at Austin (2009)

M.St. in Ancient Philosophy, University of Oxford (2010)

M.Phil. in Classics, University of Cambridge (2011)

Ph.D. in Philosophy, University of Chicago (2017)

Dhananjay Jagannathan specializes in ancient Greek and Roman philosophy, the history of ethics and political philosophy, medieval philosophy (especially Aquinas), and the intersection of philosophy and literature. Much of his recent work has focused on two strands of Aristotle's thought: ethical knowledge and practical wisdom; and justice and political community. His book Aristotle's Practical Epistemology was recently published by Oxford University Press. Other research interests include neo-Aristotelian virtue ethics, tragedy as a literary and a moral concept, and the role of news journalism in democratic life.

Upcoming Publications

Aristotle's Practical Epistemology (Oxford University Press, 2025). Now available via Oxford Scholarship Online.

"Right Reason and Practical Truth", forthcoming in Jennifer Frey & Christopher Frey, eds., Practical Reason, Knowledge, and Truth: Essays on Aristotelian Themes (Oxford UP).

Selected Publications

“A Defense of Aristotelian Justice”, Ergo vol. 11(33) (2024). DOI: 10.3998/ergo.6787

“Reciprocity and Political Justice in Nicomachean Ethics V”, Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie vol. 104(1), pp. 53–73 (2022). DOI: 10.1515/agph-2019-0036

"The 'Common Good'" in Paul Cartledge & Carol Atack, eds., A Cultural History of Democracy vol 1 (Bloomsbury, 2021), pp. 57-76.

“Every man a legislator: Aristotle on political wisdom”. Apeiron vol 54, issue 2 (2019), pp. 395-414.

“On making sense of oneself: reflections on Julian Barnes’s The Sense of an Ending”. Philosophy and Literature vol. 39, issue 1A (2015), pp. 106-121.